March 10th - March 16th

Capital Campaign Fund - The purpose of the Capital Campaign is to raise money for painting the church, to get new flooring in Fellowship Hall, to repair drains outside Fellowship Hall doors, and to pave the ramp. Our goal is to raise $40,000. If you would like to give towards this fund, there will be envelopes in the Narthex to place your donation and please drop it in the offertory basket. This week we collected $3,300.00.  We are currently at $11,025.00. THANK YOU for your continued generosity!

Altar Flowers – The 2025 calendar is in the Narthex. We have May 11th (2 SPOTS) and 25th (1 SPOT) OPEN.  Thank you for supporting the Altar Flower Ministry.

Coffee Hour Volunteers – We have March 30 and all of April is OPEN.  COTM will provide coffee, tea, juice, or lemonade. This is a great time for fellowship! If you sign up, you will need to purchase and bring any type of light refreshments/snacks (of your choice), set-up, and clean-up. Please remember if you use the linen tablecloths, remove them from the tables if they are dirty and place them in the hamper to be washed.  Also, if utensils are used, please make sure they are all cleaned thoroughly placed back in the drawers. We appreciate all your support to keep this going for the congregation.

Community Ministry Center Food Pantry – The Mission & Outreach ministry is partnering with a NEW local Food Pantry to collect non-perishable food donations. If you would like to donate, there are bins in the Narthex to place them. Thank you for continuing to serve and meet the needs of our community.

Church Directory Update – If you have any changes, (address, cell number, email, add anniversary or birthday date), or would like to be added to the church/photo directory, please email the church secretary (Madeline) at or call the parish office at 540-786-3100.

PERSONAL PRAYER REQUESTS: In the church, please place written requests in the Prayer Chest located on the Sanctuary west wall. ANY OTHER PRAYER REQUESTS can be sent by email or by phone (emergency or non-emergency) available 24/7.  All prayer requests are confidential.

If you are new to COTM and would like to be added to the weekly email list, please email the church at

For those who do not have The Book of Common Prayer, Morning Prayer Rite II can be found here: page 75

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