How will the Eucharist Service change?
The season of Lent is a time for confessing who we are as sinners before our holy and righteous God and for calling on Him to forgive us and save us through the Cross and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This being the case, our Sunday morning services leading up to Easter will be slightly different than normal. Each Sunday in Lent, we will be using "A Penitential Order: Rite I/II" from the Book of Common Prayer in which we will start the service with a hearing of the Ten Commandments, Confession, and Absolution. In addition, many of our commonly sung parts of the service will be said. That said, when you come into church during this season, please take some time to prepare yourselves for worship with some quiet prayer.
Should I give something up for Lent?
It is a common practice to give up something for lent. But, have you ever considered adding something? Additional prayer time, service to others, coming back to church, or more Bible study time are just a few examples of how you can add something during Lent. Fr. Kyle will be offering an additional study during the week. Please consider joining us on Sunday evenings.
Lenten Teaching Series-
Have you ever wondered:
Why we do what we do on Sunday mornings?
Why do we pray the same prayers every Sunday?
Why do we follow the same order of service?
If so, then join us for our Lenten teaching series which will be held each of the Sunday nights in Lent (March 5, 12, 19, 26 and April 2) at 6:30pm.
For the first two Sundays, we will examine our current 1979 Rite II
Eucharist in two parts, The Liturgy of the Word and the Holy Communion.
On the following three Sundays, in honor of the 500
the anniversary of the Reformation, we will be examining prior
Anglican/Episcopal liturgies, particularly looking at the Eucharistic liturgies of the 1928, 1662, and 1552 Books of Common Prayer.
Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to explore the
rich history of our worship services and to learn more about what it is to worship as a Christian in the Anglican/Episcopal tradition.
And, prior to the service at 5:30pm, please join us for a
potluck dinner – a great time to fellowship and enjoy some good food!