Guidelines Soon to be Lifted!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The time has arrived! As of Sunday, May 30th (PLEASE NOTE THAT THAT IS TWO SUNDAYS AWAY!), we are permitted to return to full capacity indoor worship. We are also no longer required to wear masks indoors and we are able to return to congregational singing. Communion still remains in one kind only though.

The Bishop is urging, and I do concur with her, that if you have not yet been vaccinated that you strongly consider wearing your mask for the sake of others in our congregation who may not yet be vaccinated, especially our children. Otherwise, I am going to be leaving the decision of whether or not you wear your mask in your own hands.

So, what does all of this mean? Well, it means that changes will be coming that will move us back toward our former practices. The Vestry and I will be discussing how we proceed ahead starting on May 30th.

I do want to say ahead of time though that I remain committed to ensuring that worship is safe and accessible to everyone. To that end, we WILL continue to have a virtual service streamed on Facebook at 11am. I am also considering making the 1pm service a masks-required, socially-distanced, no-congregational-singing service for those who may not yet be comfortable diving back in to full-throttled worship.

That said, please be on the lookout for another email in the days ahead outlining what things will look like.

Thank you for patience throughout this long process. God is faithful and we can give thanks to Him for this forward movement!

Yours in Christ,

