Welcome Back Sunday 9/12

Welcome Back Sunday 

This coming Sunday, September 12th, we’re kicking off the 2021-2022 program year with the  return of several ministries and activities here at Church of the Messiah.  

Starting on the 12th, we will be offering Adult Education and Children’s Sunday School at  9:45am. The adults will be engaging in a three-week lesson entitled: “The Bible: What It Is and  How to Read It”. (This will be followed up on the 3rd of October with a study of the book of  Exodus.) All the Adult Ed lessons will be recorded, and a YouTube link will be made available  for those who aren’t able to attend in person. The children will be continuing to read through  “The Jesus Storybook Bible” which they had begun last year, and at Advent, they will start a  new curriculum entitled, StoryMakers, an exciting new Sunday School program developed at  Calvary-St. George Episcopal Church in New York City. 

Also on the 12th, our Prayer Corner ministry will return during the 11am service. This is a place  where folks can go to request and receive prayer during the time of Holy Communion. We will  also begin having Coffee Hour again following the 11am service. This latter one is, of course,  subject to change based on COVID numbers in our area. 

That said, I would encourage you to please note that as we are still in the time of COVID, and  cases in our county are growing, we are taking every precaution necessary to keep everyone safe  and healthy as we gather. Masks are strongly encouraged for all activities held at the church,  hand sanitizer is available around the building, the building is being wiped down after each use,  and we will be keeping the doors to the Fellowship Hall open during Coffee Hour to allow for  proper ventilation, while also encouraging anyone who would like to take their coffee and donuts  outside to do so.  

In addition to the events taking place on Sundays, we are also starting up a Catechism class on  September 8th. This will be a 6-week course covering the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the  Lord’s Prayer, the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the Church, and the Liturgy. It  will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm in the Church. Each session will be recorded and  posted to YouTube, and a link will be mailed out for those who aren’t able to attend in person. 

Additionally, on Thursday, September 9th at 9:30am, the Women’s Bible Study will return and  continue the study on the Holy Spirit that they had begun in 2019. The first week will be both a  review for those who attended before and it will also serve to get those who are attending for the  first time caught up to speed. The Men’s Bible Study will also return on Saturday, September  25th at 8am. The men will begin an insightful new video series by N.T. Wright and Michael Bird  titled, “The New Testament in it’s World”, with discussion to follow. Coffee and donuts will be  provided. 

The last thing I will say about our Fall activities is that even though we are not totally back to  “normal,” and we may not be for some time, I would encourage as many of you as are 

comfortable and able to consider coming out for worship and for these activities that we have  planned. In trying times like these being able to physically gather as the Body of Christ to hear  the Word of God, receive the Sacrament, and worship our Triune God is so vital for all of us.  Not only does your physical health matter, but your spiritual health matters as well. To that end,  even if you don’t feel comfortable gathering in person, please do consider worshiping with us  through our streamed services on Facebook and take advantage of the recorded teachings. If  there’s one thing we desperately need during these times, it’s Jesus and His grace. That’s what  we have to give here at Church of the Messiah, both in-person and virtually. Please join us. 

Yours in Christ, 
