Our ministry programs are driven by our mission, vision and values which can be found under the "About" and "Mission Statement" pages.
The following are the ministries of Church of the Messiah:
Adult Education
Teachings that allow growth in our knowledge of Scriptures and having our faith in Jesus deepened. Meets on Sunday at 9:45am in the church. If you can’t attend in person, please contact Fr. Kyle to be sent the link to watch from home.
Rector’s Bible Study
This study provides rich insight into the scriptures. Meets Wednesday at 10:30am in the church. If you can’t attend in person, please contact Fr. Kyle to be sent the link to watch from home.
Prayer Ministries (Year-Round):
Morning Prayer
Every morning M-F at 9:00am via our Facebook page. Led by Fr. Kyle or The Rev. Dr. Meredith Woods Potter.
Prayer for One Another
Over the year we publish a list each month showing who we ask you to pray for each day. These lists are published week by week in our service bulletins.
Prayer & Praise Time
Join us ONLINE (via Zoom) each Wednesday evening at 7pm for Prayer and Praise. Praise music plays as we share with one another how the week has gone. We lift up prayer requests to the LORD for family, friends, COTM, the community and the world. You will be amazed at how the Lord makes His presence known during this time.
Prayer Ministry: Prayer Corner, Intercessors, Prayer Hotline
In the church, please place written requests in the Prayer Chest located on the Sanctuary west wall. ANY OTHER PRAYER REQUESTS can be sent by email or by phone (emergency or non-emergency) available 24/7.
What Would Jesus Brew? Young Adult Ministry
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at either COTM or Aquia Episcopal Church in Stafford at 6:00pm. It’s a great opportunity to come together and connect over a meal and conversation.
Youth Ministry / Children’s Sunday School
Meets Sundays at 9:45am in Fellowship Hall and the Sunday school room for children Pre-K-5th grade.
Outreach Ministry
Missions and Outreach
The Missions & Outreach Committee meets monthly to discuss local and international outreach opportunities so that COTM can participate in supporting the needs of the community along with making monthly donations to designated charities approved by the Vestry.
Women’s Ministries
Women’s Bible Study
Meets Thursday mornings at 9:30am in Fellowship Hall. A time to learn, pray, and deepen your knowledge in your faith along with fun and fellowship.
Women’s Book Study
Meets throughout the year. A time for our COTM women to come together and share their thoughts and have a theological conversation about the book they have chosen to read.
Women’s Socials
Seasonal socials inviting the women of COTM and their friends to share food, fun, and fellowship.