Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Yesterday afternoon, Bishop Goff and Bishop Brooke-Davidson gathered together 185 clergy in an online video call to give us clear instruction on how we, as churches, are to proceed in light of the growing number of cases of COVID-19 coronavirus in our area. After having sent out several emails through the early part of the week directing us to limit Communion to one kind and to eliminate all forms of physical contact with one another, in this video call both Bishops called on all the churches in the Diocese of VA to cease all activity from yesterday afternoon, March 11, until Wednesday, March 25th. This includes meeting for worship on Sundays or other days of the week, Bible studies, prayer groups, Lenten series, etc. As the northern part of our Diocese is currently one of the nation's hot spots for the virus, the Bishops felt that it is absolutely necessary that we do all that we can to not put the most vulnerable in our communities at risk and also to do our part in helping to prevent the spread of the virus.
With that said, I am officially calling for the cessation of all Sunday services for the next two weeks (March 15 & 22). Along with this, all Morning Prayer services on Tuesdays and Thursdays will be cancelled during this time, as well as all Bible studies, Sunday School, Prayer and Praise, choir practice, and our Lenten series. Although we will not be meeting physically during this time, this does not mean that we are to stop praying or worshiping. To that end, I will be sending out a Morning Prayer booklet later this morning for you to use this coming Sunday morning and another one next week for Sunday, the 22nd. You can use this with your families or loved ones to continue worshiping our Lord, hearing His Word, and praying for our own needs and those of others. I will also try to record my sermon for both Sundays and post those sermons on our websites for you to listen to.
Which leads me to something important for us to note during this time. As I said this past Sunday, during these troubling times, we need to remember to trust that God is in charge and that He is, and will be, with us through this. In Christ, He has made us a new people who are to live, not in fear, but in faith, trusting the God who makes all things new and who gives life to the dead. Even if the illness should increase in our area and some of us become infected, this does not negate God's promise in Christ that He has redeemed us, made us His people, and will keep us eternally safe in His hands. That means that we ultimately have nothing to fear.
Having said that, this does not, of course, mean that we are to act irresponsibly during these times. No, we are, in faith and, most especially, in love for our neighbors, to take all necessary precautions and to act wisely during these times. That means that we should remember to do things like wash our hands regularly, practice social distancing, and stay away from others if you are not feeling well. At the same time, please remember to pray for those who have become infected by the virus. Pray for those who are caring for them that they would be given wisdom in dealing with those in their care and that they would be kept safe from infection. Pray for our nation's leaders and our community's leaders that they would make wise decisions and take right actions for the welfare and peace of our nation and communities. Pray for all of those who have a fearful heart right now that their fears and worries would be allayed and that they might find peace and hope in the Lord. And above all, pray that this virus would be brought to a swift end.
Please note that during this time the church office will remain open with our regular office hours and I will be available to you as usual.
Finally, following the Bishops' direction, I would encourage you all to please keep up your pledges over the next two weeks. Even though we will not be having services together, that does not mean that our financial responsibilities as a church cease. We still have bills to pay and two weeks worth of giving would be a significant blow to the church's finances. I would encourage you all to either mail in your checks or bring them by the office. We currently do not have any way to make electronic donations. Your bank may be able to help you transfer money to us; you might wish to inquire of them how you may do so.
Please stay safe during this time. You are all in my prayers. I will be keeping you updated with any changes via all-parish email. If there is anyone whom you think might not be getting this email, please reach out to them to let them know of these developments.
Yours in Christ,