At the end of the email I sent out last week, I encouraged all of you to please keep up with your pledges and contributions to the church during this time. As I said before, your ongoing financial contributions are really important in helping to keep the church stable and to allow us to keep operating effectively. With that said, I would ask all of you to please send in your offerings by mailing your checks to our church office (12201 Spotswood Furnace Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22407). That really is the best and easiest way for us to get your contribution in a timely manner.
Another option, which several of you have asked about recently is electronic giving. The Diocese has just provided us with a special online portal through the Diocesan office that allows you to electronically give to Messiah. If you choose to do this form of giving, please note that you must do the following: Use the link below and put the name of our congregation ( Church of the Messiah, Fredericksburg) in the memo line. That will ensure that the money comes to us. The Diocesan staff will then send us a report of your offerings, along with a check, after the 10th of each month.
Here’s the link:
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your faithfulness in continuing to give. Please know that I'm praying for all of you during this time.
Yours in Christ,