Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Following the first of what will now be a series of weekly video calls between the Bishop and the clergy of the Diocese of VA, I have been instructed to inform all of you that public worship in our Diocese is now being suspended at least until Easter Day and quite possibly longer. To be clear, this means that we will NOT be having public worship during Holy Week or on Easter Day.
As a result, starting this week, we will be live-streaming services for our parish. First, we will be having a live stream of Morning Prayer each morning (Monday-Thursday) at 9am through Facebook Live. That will begin tomorrow morning (Thursday, March 19th). If you are on Facebook, you can join in by going to our Facebook page. But you do NOT need to be on Facebook in order to participate. This is open to anyone and everyone. The following link will also allow you to participate.
In addition to this, starting this Sunday, we will be live-streaming Morning Prayer on Sunday mornings at 10am. I will also be preaching at this service. Madeline will be sending out a Morning Prayer booklet on Friday for you to use to follow along and join in in praying with me. This will be our new norm for the foreseeable future -- the service will be live-streamed at 10am each Sunday morning.
As for our Holy Week and Easter services, I will update you on how those services will work once we get a little closer to them. Suffice it to say, without Easter Day services we will NOT be doing an Easter egg hunt this year. That means that you don't need to keep filling Easter eggs. My apologies to all of you who have done a lot of work on this already.
That's all for now. I'll be sending out more emails in the near future to address how we will handle the Genesis Bible study and the Rector's Bible study.
You are all in my prayers. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything.
Yours in Christ,