Weekly update

Dear Parishioners,

I want to give you your weekly update with regard to where things stand with the parish in light of our current pandemic.  I was just directed by Bishop Goff and the members of the Standing Committee this morning that starting Easter Monday -- the day after Easter -- all clergy and lay leaders are no longer allowed to stream or record services in the church.  I am now being asked to lead all services from my home, as we, the clergy, are being asked to strictly abide by the Governor's stay-at-home order.  What this means is that Rochelle and Darren will sadly no longer be able to accompany me during the services on Sunday.  Instead, I will be leading said services of Morning Prayer each Sunday morning from my house. What it also means is that we will not be having altar flowers now either.   I know that Madeline sent out an email earlier this week asking you to sign up for them, but I've asked her to contact the florist and let them know of the change.  

Along with this, I am now being asked to work from home unless it is absolutely necessary that I come in to the office to get books or paperwork, check the mail, sign checks -- things like that. So, starting on Monday, I will be working from home regularly.  If you need to contact me during this time, please call my cell phone or email me at frkyletomlin@comcast.net.  

The Bishop's office also asked me to inform you that there are a number of scams taking place right now, both in the mail and online.  These scammers are pretending to be the Bishop or the Diocese and are asking for money.  If you receive anything like this, please double-check the address or email address.  The Bishop and her office are not sending out requests of this nature; it helps to remember that.

I believe that that is all for right now.  Please remember to follow the Governor's instructions and remain at home.  Also, please remember to wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face.  Most importantly, please pray for those who are sick, for those who are working with the sick, for our leaders, and pray for a speedy end to this situation. 

Stay safe and well!  Blessings to each of you.

Yours in Christ,
